WWDC 2008 wrap-up

Yes, this post is a month and a half late. I could probably just re-post what I wrote in 2007 and it would almost pass for this year’s WWDC review. Just insert more iPhone and more beer.

Instead of a formal write-up, I wanted to piece together the week from Twitter posts, but that proved tedious enough that I had to write a little app to help me out. I started by adding my own relevant tweets for WWDC week, then threw in a dozen people I follow and selectively picked the tweets that were significant or about events for which I didn’t directly post.

So here you go. How I remembered WWDC 2008, in 95 tweets.

manton: Totally forgot about partitioning my MacBook for potential 10.6, but (surprise!) it’s still partitioned from last time. Now packing. Sat 06:14 PM

manton: Woke 20 minutes before my alarm. Making coffee for my taxi driver / wife. Sun 03:52 AM

manton: Migas in AUS while waiting for my plane to get here. As usual arrived way too early. Sun 06:26 AM

manton: I brought a Wiimote with me for testing and the lights are blinking. Suddenly paranoid about Bluetooth on planes, so taking batteries out. Sun 06:28 AM

manton: San Diego airport. Slightly delayed flight. Never been here but it looks like the worst place for a layover. Sun 10:15 AM

manton: Landed at SFO. Sun 01:08 PM

willie: bart Sun 01:25 PM

manton: Still surprised to run into other devs in person. Almost adjusted from online to real world. Sun 03:03 PM

duncan: Bumped into @willie @manton and @phi Sweet!!!!! Sun 03:39 PM

dmoren: en route to sfMacIndie via Moscone West… Sun 05:16 PM

brentsimmons: At Jillian’s – Tommy’s next. Sun 07:45 PM

dmoren: chilling with @clint and @ejacqui. I do not know where in SF they have taken me. Hope I make it to the keynote tomorrow. Sun 08:38 PM

bmf: Tommy’s’d! http://snipurl.com/2en8i Sun 10:47 PM

ccgus: chiefton! Sun 11:34 PM

gruber: Fucking-A, @nevenmrgan, @seoulbrother, @manton, not a bad scene at all. Mon 12:21 AM

danielpunkass: I’m so not going to Denny’s. I am at home away from home in my sweet friends' guest room. Final tweets then good night. Mon 02:21 AM

rtmfd: Running on fumes, tequila fumes. Mon 06:35 AM

manton: Set my alarm for 9am. Woke at 7 with the sun streaming through the windows. Aeiii. Mon 07:34 AM

chockenberry: I will be happy to demo [REDACTED] apps during WWDC. You can touch it. Mon 08:07 AM

manton: And I’m in. Mon 09:53 AM

moonshark: in the WWDC keynote, good view considering the crowds Mon 09:56 AM

atomicbird: Al Gore is here Mon 10:02 AM

gruber: Holy shit $199 for 8GB Mon 11:48 AM

twelvelabs: Happy to finally get to see several months of my work shared with the rest of the world. Mon 12:07 PM

manton: Apple published a Snow Leopard press release before even showing developers? Not cool. Mon 01:28 PM

manton: Graphics and Media, don’t let us down. I’m hovering dangerously between disappointed and satisfied from this morning and early afternoon. Mon 04:58 PM

brentsimmons: Heading for buzz’s party. Mon 06:57 PM

manton: Dinner and good "best of the day" discussion with @willie, @moonshark, and work folks. Heading to Buzz party. Mon 08:31 PM

manton: Choosing sleep. Tue 12:24 AM

manton: Forget 3G, forget GPS. You know what I would pay $199 for? Flagging messages in MobileMail. Tue 12:35 AM

buzz: Well, I think we can call the party a success. Tue 12:45 AM

manton: Guessed i picked the wrong session. Mostly new people based on the show of hands. Tue 10:40 AM

manton: Session hopping is much better than seeing yet another intro to Xcode demo. Tue 11:07 AM

ashponders: @manton is not carrying anything today. I am jealous. Tue 11:24 AM

manton: iPhone view controllers. Nice thing about only playing with the SDK a little is that I’ll learn more this week. Tue 01:43 PM

brentsimmons: CocoaHeads tonight. 7-9 Apple Store. Presentations + Q&A. Tue 01:59 PM

manton: Almost the end of day 2, and I’m not sick of the iPhone yet. Tue 04:46 PM

manton: W too busy. Grabbing quick noodles at Metreon before CocoaHeads. Tue 06:30 PM

louielouie: At CocoaHeads WWDC - getting to hear about Objective-J first-hand woohoo Tue 07:05 PM

ccgus: I just realized I didn’t demo acorn in my pres Tue 07:45 PM

brentsimmons: Heading to Ars party. Tue 09:21 PM

manton: Good presentations at CocoaHeads. Outside full Ars party wondering what’s next. Tue 09:43 PM

brentsimmons: Tempest. Yest. Tue 11:31 PM

macdevnet: Back from Cocoaheads and Ars Party, I think I’m getting to old for this. Great to spend some time getting to know @manton though Wed 12:10 AM

manton: Why can’t I sleep in? This is annoying. It’s as if my kids are here virtually, waking me up across time zones. Wed 07:14 AM

manton: Pixar session is always good, got in early. Wonder what @SenorDanimal is up to. Wed 12:06 PM

ccgus: I lost manton Wed 12:08 PM

manton: Push stuff is elegant, but the team doesn’t seem to understand the scale of what they are building. Wed 03:04 PM

manton: Grand Central Dispatch. Cool stuff. Looking forward to randomly using blocks a lot before the fun wears off. Wed 04:06 PM

manton: Apple Design Awards. I didn’t enter, so I’m almost relaxed. Good luck to all. Wed 07:33 PM

willie: At ADA. We didnt enter because our lack of superfluous shiny technologies Wed 07:37 PM

manton: Congrats to @nevenmrgan on the ADA win! Wed 08:09 PM

manton: Twitterific won! Congrats @chockenberry, well deserved. Wed 08:14 PM

atomicbird: Best iPhone productivity app: OmniFocus Wed 08:15 PM

manton: Going to stay for at least part of Stump to support @willie’s addiction. Wed 08:50 PM

manton: I don’t usually sit this close to the front. Scared. Wed 09:05 PM

willie: Involved in 2 stump points for the crowd this year. Rock. James Brown and the Quadra 840av. Wed 10:15 PM

manton: A surprising number of people I know are winning Stump t-shirts this year. Wed 10:28 PM

brentsimmons: At chieftain. 5th and Howard. Wed 10:47 PM

brentsimmons: Tempest now, folks. Thu 01:02 AM

manton: Using the iPod dock in the hotel room. Strange, but the first time I’ve actually ever used a radio dock. Sounds good! Thu 07:57 AM

manton: Wish there were Apple t-shirt sizes between kids 7 and adult small. Preferably in pink. Thu 09:48 AM

manton: Sitting in on Advanced Ajax for a change of pace. Thu 10:20 AM

manton: Typing lyrics into Google on iPhone to expand my WWDC music playlist. Thu 10:29 AM

manton: @atomicbird Tom Dowdy. It was a great tribute. Thu 10:36 AM

manton: Wasn’t going to see Dinosaurs, but intrigued after hearing a better description. Thu 12:26 PM

manton: Just passed @schwa talking enthusiastically to a trash can. Then noticed the earbuds. Thu 03:34 PM

manton: Debugging with WebKit session. Inspector just keeps getting better. Still like CSSEdit, buy may use it less. Thu 04:01 PM

danmessing: Apple bash time. Thu 06:48 PM

gruber: Thirsty Bear with Buzz Andersen and other malfeasants. Thu 09:05 PM

buzz: Drinking a Golden Vanilla beer with assorted Mac noteables at the Thirsty Bear. Thu 09:16 PM

willie: Barenaked Ladies - http://snaptweet.com/20fd8 Thu 10:09 PM

moonshark: Bare Naked Ladies - Apple WWDC Bash - http://snaptweet.com/3d7d5 Thu 10:11 PM

dmoren: totally just film-geeked out with @nevenmrgan. Hitchcock, bitches. Thu 11:23 PM

brentsimmons: Heading to Tempest. Thu 11:56 PM

danielpunkass: Tempest tonight was perfect crowd. Could have used several more hours of that scenario. ‘Tis a shame. Fri 02:27 AM

bmf: Dan M. wrote the "e" and ate the shit out of some toast. Fri 03:01 AM

danielpunkass: I got my ride home thanks to @manton’s cab allowance. Thanks! Fri 03:06 AM

manton: Last WWDC session. It’s been a great week but can’t wait to be home. Fri 01:58 PM

manton: Dropped my badge at the hotel and going to wonder around. To everyone I missed saying goodbye to: safe travels and seeya next time! Fri 03:17 PM

manton: @brentsimmons @rtmfd I’m going to take a raincheck on last drinks until the next conference, need to go shopping. Was good to hang out. Fri 03:30 PM

manton: The Ms Pac-man in the W lobby doesn’t need quarters. Fun. Fri 03:43 PM

manton: Visiting the Cartoon Art Museum. Fri 04:04 PM

manton: Walking to Chinatown in search of gifts. Fri 05:24 PM

manton: Walking back to the hotel using the longest possible route. Feel very relaxed. Fri 06:08 PM

duncan: Taking @willie @manton @phi Daniel and crew to Luce. Oh yeah. Celebration of a long week. Fri 07:01 PM

willie: dining with @pinar @duncan @moonshark @manton & others. Good times. Fri 07:23 PM

willie: Pantade - http://snaptweet.com/dc8bd Fri 07:41 PM

willie: Bisque - http://snaptweet.com/d901c Fri 07:41 PM

ccgus: A great WWDC photo set: http://tinyurl.com/5rtwpu Fri 08:33 PM

willie: Study of Chocolate - http://snaptweet.com/04f07 Fri 08:41 PM

danielpunkass: I’m committing to never beat myself up again for missing lots of sessions at WWDC. The social contacts are priceless and inspirational. Fri 09:45 PM

manton: Great dinner with the work folks + @duncan, @pinarozger, and Daniel Steinberg (no twit?). @willie has the food photos. Fri 10:08 PM

manton: And that’s it. Catching a taxi to SFO. WWDC review: worst keynote, best conference week. Sat 06:27 AM

manton: Landed in Austin. Pretty funny flight crew made the trip back easier. Sat 01:31 PM

Manton Reece @manton
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