IndieWeb Summit 2018 wrap-up

Last week I was in Portland for IndieWeb Summit. This was only my second IndieWeb conference (the first was IndieWebCamp in Austin). I had a great time in Portland and got even more than I expected out of IndieWeb Summit.

The first day was short keynotes and sessions led by attendees on a range of topics. Jean and I talked about our experience and goals with in reaching even more mainstream users. I went to sessions on Microformats, timeline algorithms, code libraries for common IndieWeb building blocks, and Microsub. Some of this carried over to the beginning of the next day, including Aaron Parecki leading a discussion about IndieAuth.

We held a meetup at Von Ebert Brewing after the first day wrapped up. Thanks everyone for joining us!

Most of the second day was a hack day to work on our own projects, and at the end of the day everyone could present what they had worked on. I was so impressed with what people had come up with, whether that was improvements to their own site or prototypes for new tools.

It turned out that having this dedicated time was exactly what I needed to turn into an IndieAuth provider. This means that no longer needs to delegate to Twitter or GitHub for authorization when someone is using an IndieWeb posting tool like OwnYourGram or Quill. Users can instead authorize directly with their account. I also added support for the summary fallback parameter in Micropub, which makes compatible with IndieBookClub.

In the morning before I left Portland, I interviewed Tantek and Aaron for my upcoming book Indie Microblogging. We had a great conversation on the founding of IndieWebCamp, the accomplishments and changes in the community, and where everything is going from here.

Coava Coffee Portland bridge

Portland was great. For this trip I opted for an Airbnb close to the IndieWeb Summit venue. It was also just a block from Coava Coffee, where I spent a couple mornings catching up on work. I hope to be back in Portland for IndieWeb Summit next year.

Manton Reece @manton
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