
Inspired by Derek Sivers, this page includes a sample of what I’m thinking about and working on right now. Last updated: July 16th, 2018.

Every day I try to write something for my blog. Sometimes these are medium-length essays about technology, and sometimes they are just microblog posts about everyday events. I don’t have ads and I don’t have a huge following, but it’s still one of the most important things I do every day. I recently migrated my blog to be hosted on

I spend most of my time on — making the platform better, responding to support questions, and trying to plan for what’s next for indie microblogging. It feels like there’s a never-ending list of feature requests and bugs to fix. has come a long way since it’s launch.

I’m getting back into daily recordings for my short-form podcast Timetable. I’ve loved seeing people embracing microcasting, including our own Micro Monday podcast that Jean MacDonald hosts.

Daniel Jalkut and I continue to churn out an episode of Core Intuition every week. I’m very proud of this podcast. We’re partially booked for sponsors but have some opens spots the rest of 2018 now that we allow 2 sponsors per show. Last year we decided to shut down the companion site, but we started a members-only podcast called Extra Intuition.

Looking forward to when basketball season starts up again. Go Spurs Go.

Manton Reece @manton
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