The /Applications social network

Brent Simmons, from a “TUAW interview”…

"One of the things I love about being a Mac developer is getting to meet the folks who make the apps I use. In a way, my /Applications folder is also my social network. Which is cool."

I never thought about it that way, but it’s definitely a great aspect of the Mac developer community. I hope to add a few more people to my /Applications social network next week at WWDC.

I’ve been to a bunch of WWDCs now, but I’m particularly excited this year because it will be the first time I’ve attended as representing both a “large-ish company” and an “independent one-man shop”

I will be carrying VitalSource business cards in my wallet, but I also hope to have a printed batch of Wii Transfer serial numbers to hand out. I know a lot of Mac developers have a Nintendo Wii and it’s a shame I haven’t given out more copies. If you have a Wii and see me (I look “something like this”, please get my attention so that I can correct this oversight.

Manton Reece @manton
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