Wii Transfer 2.3

I finally released “Wii Transfer 2.3”:www.riverfold.com/software/… late last night. This is the version I demoed in “my interview with The Unofficial Apple Weblog”:www.tuaw.com/2007/06/1… The most notable changes are AAC support, an improved music player interface, and better use of the Wii remote buttons.

This release sports a new icon, designed by Jordan Langille of “OneToad.com”:www.onetoad.com/. As much as I enjoy tinkering with Photoshop and Illustrator, I knew I didn’t have time to do a quality icon. I wanted something fun that still captured a part of the original icon, and this concept has really grown on me since it was finished almost 2 months ago.

I also took this opportunity to refresh the “Riverfold web site”:www.riverfold.com/software/… design a little. Just don’t tell anyone that it still uses HTML tables.

Manton Reece @manton
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