Don't give up, shipping takes time

I love the passion in “this comment from Wil Shipley”…

"This app is all I'm working on. My entire reputation, my 25 years in the industry, my company is all riding on this release. I'm not going to just suddenly give up one day for no reason."

I’m one of those people who will upgrade to “Delicious Library” 2 on the first day and I know I won’t be disappointed. Although my indie app has a tiny fraction of the users Delicious has, I’m currently going through the same kind of delays.

After months of quick, focused “Wii Transfer”… releases, I decided in November to skip a minor bug fix release and roll up all the outstanding issues into a bigger release with several important user interface improvements. You reach a point in this process where there is no turning back, and for every refinement to the product you see just how much more you could do. I think it’s that kind of constant, iterative polishing that Wil is going through now.

If you are curious about the business of software development, don’t miss his “talk from C4”… last year. In many ways I’m glad it took so long for the videos to go up; I’ve already forgotten half of the content so it will be fun to review the sessions.

Manton Reece @manton
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