STAPLE! in Austin today (year 4)

Like independent comics and art? “STAPLE! is in Austin today” at the Monarch Event Center, off I-35 and 2222. I’ve been on the STAPLE! planning committee for four years now and have enjoyed watching our little show grow from its humble beginnings, but it’s still a completely non-profit, volunteer-led endeavor and we need your support to make it a success. Come join us anytime between 11am and 7pm (or “check the schedule”:www.staple-austin.orgguests/ for our featured session times), and then come back downtown later tonight for the after-party and live-art show at Red’s Scoot Inn (“flyer”:www.staple-austin.orgpromote/staple2008_afterparty.jpg).

Manton Reece @manton
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