Get Rich Slowly

I started reading the “Get Rich Slowly” blog last year and it has quickly become one of my favorites. Don’t let the name fool you — it’s really just about practical advice for paying off debt, keeping a budget, and saving money for retirement. The author hits that perfect blogging voice that feels very authentic, as if he and his readers are peers.

“This recent post”:www.getrichslowly.orgblog/2009/01/05/9-methods-for-mastering-your-money-in-2009/ to start off 2009 covers all the major goals of the site. Here’s a snippet from budgeting:

"There are a variety of budgeting methods you can choose, from Andrew Tobias' three-step budget to the 60% budget. My recent favorite (and a favorite of GRS readers) is Elizabeth Warren's balanced money formula: 50% to Needs, 20% to Savings, and everything else to Wants. Simple but effective."

I think there’s something for just about anyone in his blog, whether you are paying off a mountain of credit card debt or starting as an entrepreneur who wants to keep enough cash in the bank to cover those slow months.

Manton Reece @manton
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