Clipstart 1.2.4

Clipstart 1.2.4 is done! It’s a minor bug fix update but includes dozens of small improvements (and some not so small, if you’re measuring not with new UI but in number of lines of code changed). I’m very happy with this release and excited to move on to some other new features in the works for 1.3 and beyond. “Download and more info”…

And because I don’t have anything else of substance related to Clipstart to talk about yet, I’ll leave you with “this Buzz Andersen quote”… about quality:

"Shipping quality is a longer, tougher road than just shipping whatever to be first to market, and its benefits tend to be realized more slowly, but if you want users to love your software as a brand, and not merely use it as a commodity, it's the only way."

I’m not there yet, but yeah, well said.

Manton Reece @manton
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