Interruption and collaboration

Jason Fried, “from a recent interview”… “Interruption and collaboration are different things.” If you haven’t listened to a Jason Fried talk recently, this one covers a lot of good stuff.

I also like “episode 19 of their podcast” which is edited from a live recording of a planning session for Rework. My first impression of Rework was that it was too finely edited — that to get to the essence they threw away too much material. I wanted to hear more case studies from their business, approaches that worked or didn’t, and lessons learned.

But I’ve flipped through the book again, a few months later, and it holds up. I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but the lack of filler text gives it a certain timelessness. Each chapter is one core argument, and whether that topic resonates with the reader or not depends entirely on what you and I bring to it from our own job experiences.

Manton Reece @manton
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