Tweet Marker wins a Macworld Eddy

A few times since it launched, I’ve said to friends that Tweet Marker may be the best thing I’ve done. It has reached more users than any of my indie Mac and iOS apps, and it has been especially rewarding to work with other Twitter developers. It’s not perfect yet — there’s more to improve in future versions of the API and clients — but I smile every time I see a tweet about how someone can’t imagine going back to a Twitter client without it.

So it was really gratifying to see “Macworld recognize Tweet Marker with an Editors' Choice Award”… for 2011. Thank you Macworld for seeing Tweet Marker as an important part of the Twitter experience.

And thanks to “all the Twitter app developers” who have supported Tweet Marker in their apps. We are up to 9 supporting apps across 5 platforms — Mac, iPhone, iPad, Chrome, and Android — with more on the way. I’ve opened up the API to over 40 different clients in various stages of research or testing.

Tweet Marker is a little unique among most of the other Eddy winners this year in that it’s still completely free. I won’t see a sales spike following the announcement. If you’ve been enjoying the service, consider picking up a copy of my iPad app Tweet Library, or donating directly “on the site”

Manton Reece @manton
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