
Right after publishing yesterday’s post on mirroring content, I added a link to IndieWebCamp’s POSSE, a project from Tantek Çelik to provide a framework for mirroring posts to different services. It looks like that group is doing great work to identify microformats that will make this a more open standard.

Noah Read also rolled his own solution for writing posts on his site first and then letting them flow to Twitter,, Flickr, and other services. He calls them Snippets:

“Microblogging and social sharing will survive, whether or not the current players do. So I wanted to take control of the things I publish on these networks, without abandoning the great things only they can provide, the conversations and reactions to what is shared. So Snippets are the way I will post to these services from now on.”

Check out Noah’s snippets feed. I especially like the name. As a programmer I’m used to thinking “code snippet” when I hear it, but with enough use it’d be easy to reclaim its normal non-code definition.

Manton Reece @manton
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