WordPress microblog posting from Do Note

I finally have a great use for IFTTT’s Do Note app. I’ve wired it up to my WordPress blog so that I can quickly publish microblog posts there. Previously, if I was on the go I could use the official WordPress iOS app, but that requires a bunch of extra taps: setting the post format to “status”, setting the category to “Snippets”, and going back and forth between screens. Now all of those defaults are baked into the IFTTT recipe. (Grab this WordPress plug-in to set the custom post formats automatically.)

I also wanted to streamline my cross-posting to App.net, which before now had been a manual copy and paste. I use a pair of RSS triggers in IFTTT for this as well, to go from my main RSS feed and my microblog RSS feed. And at the same time, I’ve updated the CSS for my microblog posts so they look a little better over the web.

Effortless tweeting is a big part of what Twitter got right on user experience. With WWDC around the corner, I should be posting to my own microblog more frequently now that I have a good workflow.

Manton Reece @manton
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