Four microblogging community tips

Ever since writing about my WordPress-based microblog and linking to similar solutions from Seth Clifford and Ben Brooks, I’ve been hearing from more bloggers about their interesting microblog workflows. Everyone has a slightly different spin on the basic idea, but all of them achieve some independence from Twitter by having the primary copy of each post live on their own site.

First, Chase McCoy mentions on that he uses Launch Center Pro for quick microblogging of links:

“To make a post all I have to do is copy a link, and then run a Launch Center Pro action that prompts me for the text of the post. One click and it's done!”

Then, Sander van Dragt describes his WordPress setup. It’s similar to mine, but his post includes more detail. He also links to a comment on my .htaccess gist with a better explanation and rewrite rules.

Next up, Adam Simpson shares how he posts to his own microblog directly from an SMS. He even goes one step further, integrating tweet features directly back into WordPress:

“I save the tweet ID of every post that gets posted to Twitter. I use that ID to pull in the favorite and retweet counts and display them next to each ‘note’ in the WordPress dashboard.”

And finally, here’s an AppleScript solution on from Henrik Carlsson that allows him to take any text on his Mac and quickly post it to his microblog via an Automator workflow. Pretty great. I had forgotten that AppleScript has native XML-RPC support, which most blogging systems support.

I’m inspired by all the cool work people are doing around blogs. It’s a good time to write on the web.

Manton Reece @manton
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