Retiring support for Sunlit

Sunlit 1.3.1 shipped today. It’s a minor update focused on fixing bugs, but it is also the first version to remove support. Existing users still have access to all the features — the code still exists in the app for now — but the sign-in button and settings have been removed for new users to simplify the requirements and UI.

It was difficult to let go of the features. A significant amount of the codebase was around syncing and collaboration features via There was also some great location check-in support built on locations and compatibility with Ohai. I had to remove screenshots and prune down the App Store description to account for the removed features.

What’s left is an app that has fewer features but which feels light and simple again. Maybe this should have been our 1.0 version all along.

Two years ago, I wrote about waiting for’s killer app:

“The promise of is bigger than one type of app. isn’t just a blank slate; it’s an amplifier. It’s waiting to power the next new idea and help it grow into something big.”

This vision didn’t pan out. But I’m proud that we gave it a shot and put a lot of effort into the platform even after others had given up on it. Now that we’ve finished this “reset”, of sorts, we’ll move forward to build other features we always wanted in Sunlit.

Manton Reece @manton
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