Two weeks notice: final pull request

With just 5 days left at my regular job, it’s time to get serious about wrapping up my work. I have a small change mostly ready and tested locally, but need to push it up to GitHub and finish testing on the dev server. I have a couple open Jira tickets to look at after that.

Over the weekend I spent a lot of time with the Stripe API, trying to improve how I manage user subscriptions. Stripe has some new features since I first started using it. For example, options for sales tax and a quantity field. The latter is convenient if you have something like the ability to pay for multiple hosted web sites in a subscription, rather than deal with adding custom line items on an invoice.

Deadlines are an excellent way to push yourself to actually finish something. So this deadline of Friday is good, in a way, but unlike most of my other deadlines, I can’t miss it and keep working for another week. That finality is a little daunting right now, as I look at the week ahead and everything I want to get done.

Manton Reece @manton
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