Back from Europe

After blogging every day for a couple weeks at the end of July, I decided to take a break while my family and I took a vacation to London and Paris over the last 10 days. Instead we kept a private-ish travel blog of the trip. It’s similar to what I might post in a private journal (handwritten or Day One), but accessible to family in a richer “own your own content” way than just Facebook photos.

I also posted 7 photos throughout the trip to my Instagram account. I like to use Instagram to capture just the very best photo from something, so the timeline never feels overloaded. Of course we took hundreds of photos overall. Some went to the trip blog, some went to Instagram and Facebook, some went to Snapchat (teenagers!), and the rest we’ll sort through as we have time. We had wi-fi in the apartments and so I made sure everything was synced up to Dropbox at least once a day.

I worked a little while traveling, but could only be so productive without getting in the way of enjoying the vacation. I’m catching up on some email and client work this morning. Feeling fairly rested despite a very long travel day coming back home.

Manton Reece @manton
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