iPhone 5se sleep button

Zac Hall of 9to5Mac follows up with a new leaked photo after the latest iPhone 5se news. It seems the hardware design may borrow more from the 6 than the 5. Zac writes:

“If the leaked image turns out to both be the real deal and what Apple ships later this year, that means the updated 4-inch iPhone will feature rounded volume toggles and a relocated sleep switch like on iPhone 6 hardware versus a top sleep switch and iPhone 4-like volume buttons from the iPhone 5 series hardware.”

NoooOOOooooo. I can understand wanting consistency between models, but the iPhone 6 sleep button is a major usability issue because it gets in the way when trying to use the volume buttons. I’ll be disappointed if the design trade-offs from the 6 make the 5se worse. (But I’ll buy one anyway.)

Manton Reece @manton
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