Swift server benchmarks

Interesting Swift web server article comparing Vapor, which I tested last week, to other web server frameworks:

This first post will cover input, i.e. request data. Fetching input from a request, ensuring it is the correct type, and most importantly, not crashing. These are common tasks that most web developers deal with daily. All of the frameworks have their own unique way of doing these tasks–Let’s see how they contrast.

There is some further discussion from fans of other languages in the comments. Overall I think the article was fair. I’m not sure about the focus on “crashing”, though. This seems like a carryover from pro-Swift arguments on the desktop or mobile, and it has less relevance on the web.

For some web apps, it might be fine to throw an exception on bad input data, since it’s caught automatically and returned as a 500 error. I wouldn’t call that a crash anymore than I would call it a crash for a Mac app to present a generic error dialog on unexpected errors.

Manton Reece @manton
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