GOP train wreck, day 2

I agree with Dave Winer’s summary of day 2 of the Republican convention:

It's one thing to nominate a grade school bully from a racist family with a potty mouth and an emotional age in the single digits. That's pretty bad, but to call for the other party's candidate to be jailed, that's over the top. To let those words come out of your mouth, even as an anonymous person in a crowd, you all have crossed a line that will be hard to come back from.

History will reflect poorly on the Republicans of 2016. And nearly as bad, while flipping through national TV networks last night, I saw little or no condemnation from the news. Maybe we need a multi-party system just so the GOP stops getting 50% of the air-time.

I called it a mob last night. The only good news: the arena seemed literally half empty.

Manton Reece @manton
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