IndieWebCamp Austin set for December

We’re holding an IndieWebCamp in Austin next month! This is a 2-day event — Saturday and Sunday, December 9th and 10th — for anyone who wants to learn more about the IndieWeb, discuss web standards and tools, or just hack on your own web site. We’re lucky to have IndieWeb co-founders Tantek Çelik and Aaron Parecki in town for the event.

There was another IndieWebCamp in Berlin last week. Neil Mather had a great blog post about his experience there:

It ran over 2 days, with day 1 an unconference with a number of discussions, the topics and schedule decided entirely by participants in the morning. Day 2 was hack day, with everyone working on an indieweb related bit of work, be it on their own website or on a shared project.

IndieWebCamp Austin registration is open now. Tickets are just $5. Looking forward to planning some next steps for over that weekend. Hope to see you there!

Manton Reece @manton
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