Kickstarter update with IndieWebCamp and rollout plans

Today I sent the following email to Kickstarter backers. I’m working through the waiting list of invites to now. I know it’s taken the better part of a year, but we’re almost there.

We are just about ready to open up to the world. Starting later this week, we’ll no longer require an invite code. Up to 100 users will be able to register on each day. This helps us focus our attention on the community and take care of new users as we ramp up to the public launch.

I’m also excited to share 2 more things that are happening next month:

IndieWebCamp: December 9th and 10th in Austin, TX. If you’d like to learn more about indie blogging, work on your own web site, or just chat with me about, consider joining us in Austin. You can register here. More info from the web site:

IndieWebCamp Austin 2017 is a gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, from graphic artists, to designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, actively work on creating for their own personal websites, and build upon each others creations.

Stickers: I’ve just ordered a new batch of stickers for IndieWebCamp and Kickstarter backers. Expect to receive an email from Kickstarter to confirm your shipping address.

Manton Reece @manton
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