For today’s Micro Monday, @vasta joins @macgenie to talk about why M.b first interested him, the impact of words, and the challenge in maintaining inclusive communities. It’s an important discussion with a lot for us to think about and improve.

This was awesome. @vasta shares the promise of what m.b can be, and what we can all keep doing to get it there.

@macgenie A great listen! @vasta, I hope this means you're sticking around this place for a while. :)

@macgenie @vasta This interview really hit it out of the park. Sameer is obviously quite a brilliant guy & has experienced a very different life from many (maybe most) of the rest of us. So there is a lot we can learn from him, which is why I hope he will be willing to continue to contribute to the communuity here. I will probably listen to the podcast 2-3 more times after I am done with my work crunch and the trial, where I must testify. Next week I will have more time to take it all in, but I strongly recommend that everyone have a listen to this podcast right away. I will also be reading a lot of Sameer's blog postings, because ultimately blogging is what brought most of us here, so let's not forget to read the blogs, including his.

@Ron Thanks for amplifying this. I have the M.m podcast queued for listening, and hadn’t realised that it was with @vasta. I too hope Sameer keeps contributing, and that we can all, together, build a community that doesn’t always agree, but does always agree to be civil.