Micro Monday's 30th episode

Jean published episode 30 of our Micro Monday podcast today. There have actually been over 30 episodes if you count the bonus episodes, but I wanted to officially mark the 30th episode as a milestone as I reflect on what the podcast has meant for Micro.blog.

This week Jean welcomes @amit:

Our guest this week is Amit Gawande, who codes for a living but lives for reading and writing. He is the creator of Microthreads, a tool for finding users and conversations to follow on Micro.blog. We talk about the many blog platforms he’s used over the years, and why the simplicity of Micro.blog makes it easier to just write.

I love that Micro Monday is so consistent with our values. Everyone has a story to tell and should be able to have their own space on the web to tell it. The podcast makes Micro.blog better at the same time as it gives members of the community another opportunity to talk about what they care about. Thanks to everyone who has been on the podcast so far!

Smokey Ardisson

The microcast was a brilliant idea, and it has been wonderful to learn more (in depth, while still briefly) about what’s important to people I already follow and to be introduced to others I don’t. @macgenie’s execution has been fantastic; really looking forward to listening to her talk with @amit!

Amit Gawande

Completely agree with you @smokey. It’s always fun to know more about the people who you so often “talk to” on a platform, but barely know. Every episode of Micro Monday gives an opportunity to get introduced to the souls behind the words. And every one of the episodes till now has made me learn something new about them.

Manton Reece @manton
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