Getting back into a routine of writing in Day One for a minute each morning. The last couple years have been so busy that there are huge gaps in my journal for significant events that should’ve been written down, and everyday details that don’t make it into my blog.

Jonathan LaCour

I’ve been trying to be more disciplined in that regard as well. My approach has been to use Drafts for personal journaling. I journal a few times a week, including notes from church, personal development classes, etc., in Markdown within Drafts, and then I post them to my website via a Drafts action I made using Micropub, with the “visibility” property set to “private.”

Private posts would be a lovely addition to! Perhaps another app, a-la Sunlit or Wavelength, could be built to drive personal journaling, including some Day One-Like features. You may even be able to convince Day One to sync with

Just a thought!


Journaling always eludes me for some reason. I can do it for a few days, then I usually stop for one reason or another.


Same here. My Day One journal is for stuff that I don't want to share publicly but still ought to be documented.

Ron Guest

I find that a bit of ‘morning time’ to consider the past day or two as well as the day to come is both satisfying and productive and my thoughts end up going to Day One (personal thoughts) or Things3 (things to do). I use IFTTT to import my blog posts into a dedicated Journal so I can have the extra context and history.

Nitin Khanna

a minute each morning sounds like a good habit to have!

Nitin Khanna

@cleverdevil all's well but the last part. DO are notorious for their closed API. I doubt they'll open it up to Took them a long time to open it to IFTTT, right?

The visibility private thing is perfect! I don't have an action or use drafts for it, but this year, I've littered my blog with private posts because that just makes perfect sense! I usually just end up using my site on desktop, if not the iOS WP app...

Jonathan LaCour

@nitinkhanna yeah I actually was a Day One user for a long time, but I don’t really like how they run their business. They also had some security/privacy issues that bothered me. I wrote a script that migrated all my Day One content to my site as private posts 😀

Nitin Khanna

@cleverdevil very scripty! I reckon you did it before the current iteration - v3, which doesn’t let us plebs access the API?

Jonathan LaCour

@nitinkhanna I did it on the current generation using some trickery 😉

Nitin Khanna

@cleverdevil ooooh! Is that script sitting somewhere on git... you know, for science...

Jonathan LaCour

@nitinkhanna it was pretty bespoke for me, but I may still have it laying around on my computer. I’ll look later today when I get back home!

Nitin Khanna

@cleverdevil cheers! I’m not going to use it any time soon. DO is a haven for me, privacy implications notwithstanding.

Nitin Khanna

@cleverdevil * but you know, for the future...

Jonathan LaCour

@nitinkhanna it’s a great app. I’d still be using it if they had an open API and let me control my data a bit better. That said, Drafts plus private posts works great for me now.

Nitin Khanna

@cleverdevil I hear you. I have some itches I’d love DO to allow me to scratch, but they’re not there yet.

Are you paying for the Drafts premium to get access to Actions or are you grandfathered in? I’m always confused by it. Got it when it went free.

Jonathan LaCour

@nitinkhanna I paid. Then, I wrote a Micropub action. I’m using that in combination with @eddie’s Micropub Media Upload Shortcut.

Nitin Khanna

@cleverdevil nice! I haven’t wrapped my head around micropub yet. I enabled it on my WordPress site but never fully immersed myself in there. Maybe one day. Not interested in that yet. I am partial to the WP API though...

Manton Reece @manton
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