Updated M.b this morning with several bug fixes and improvements, including better support for uploading file types like PNG, SVG, and even PDFs for your hosted blog. Click Posts → Uploads on the web.

Simon Woods

Congratulations on avoiding use of the word "enhancements".

Chris Neale

@simonwoods “augmentation(s)”?

Simon Woods

@cn aha! I finally understand the youths -- AF = Augmented by Features

Ron Guest

It was a good morning at the ☕️ shop 👍🏼

Christopher Chelpka

👏 thanks!

Roel Willems

just a quick thanks, these small improvements really add up!

Khaled Abou Alfa

Not sure if it's related, but my uploads page is not showing any of the thumbnails to the images...apart from the first few.

Manton Reece @manton
Lightbox Image