There’s a nice feature on RSS apps (best viewed on iOS) in the App Store today.

William Schuth

I’m a bit distraught for Samuel Clay, founder & lead dev of NewsBlur, which is nearing a decade-long run of excellence. Listening to you & @danielpunkass on Core Intuition every week has impressed upon me how important App Store visibility is for indie devs.

Manton Reece

@schuth Feedbin is another one I would've liked to see featured. Developers can't rely on getting high-profile App Store placement, but it sure is nice when it happens.

💬 John Philpin

interesting - on the mac they list;

cappuccino, reeder 3, feedly and lire

on iOS;

feedly, inorerader, cappucino, telescope and newsify at the top - with lire, reeder 3 and others as you scroll down but STILL no Feedbin

also noting that ‘feedbin notifier’ has a 4.3 rating an cappuccino only a 2.2

// @vasta @schuth

Joel Hamill

@schuth I love Samuel Clay and NewsBlur, it is the best social RSS reader since Google Reader was killed off. I try to shout it's praises whenever I see a post about RSS readers.

Joshua P. Steele

what’s your go-to RSS reader?

Jon Mitchell

But Feedbin doesn’t have a first-party iOS app. I sure wish they did, though.

Manton Reece

@joshuapsteele Reeder on iOS and macOS, with Feedbin for sync.

Amit Gawande

Good to see Reeder and Unread featured there. Great apps I keep switching between. So unfortunate for Feedbin to miss out, they need to have first party apps on iOS/macOS platforms.

And I like the devision between beginners and power users too. Can help excite more people towards RSS.

David Sinclair

disappointed that NewsBlur didn’t make the list. (I work on its iOS app.)

Bob Schulties

Unread on iOS looks pretty good, too.

Manton Reece

@dejus That's great you work on the iOS app! Sorry it wasn't featured. From the list, it feels like Apple was going for highlighting some less popular apps, but I wish they had included a few more.

David Sinclair

yeah, it’s a pity, but I guess they can only feature a limited number. By the way, in case you didn’t know, NewsBlur is open source; both the server side and clients.

Colin Devroe

Speaking of RSS... is there a list of RSS feeds that has? I'm specifically looking for an RSS feed of all the posts of those I follow.

Manton Reece

@cdevroe Not yet. The problem is that there are a few private feeds (for example to someone's Pinboard items) and we want to filter those out before making the URLs available.

Colin Devroe

Is there a concept of a private account on M.b? I didn't know that. I could understand excluding those.

Manton Reece

@cdevroe Nope, no private accounts. Just noticed that there are some private-ish feeds being used. It's rare but I wanted to be 100% sure we weren't exposing private tokens.

Shawn Medero

@dejus Yay! I love NewsBlur. Thanks for your efforts.

Manton Reece @manton
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