Worked on some performance improvements for external blogs this morning. RSS and connection errors are also now reported on the web to help troubleshoot feed problems.

Chris Brakebill

πŸ™Œ cool. Hopefully that saves you some time in the long run

Eli Mellen

this is awesome! Where are these errors reported?

Manton Reece

@eli If there's an error, it will be shown under the RSS feed URL on the Account β†’ Edit Feeds page.

Eli Mellen

wicked! Thanks so much. This is perfect!

πŸ’¬ John Philpin

just looked and see no errors reported ... am I looking in the right place?

Simon Woods

@JohnPhilpin I went to that page and can see one here.

πŸ’¬ John Philpin

@simonwoods Thankyou - so that means all my stuff is working ... except it isn’t

still not syndicating to fb pages, medium and linked in after that sudden stop ... twitter and mastodon working fine.

Manton Reece @manton
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