Automatically save to Internet Archive

There was a session at IndieWebCamp Austin about broken links and archiving web sites. As part of the discussion, Tantek mentioned how he saves all his blog posts and tweets to the Internet Archive as part of his posting workflow. I’ve just added a setting like that to under Posts → Design:

Checkbox screenshot

This is off by default for now, but if you enable it, any new posts will be saved to the Internet Archive automatically. It waits about 5 minutes before saving them just in case you have any last-minute edits.

I still want to do more with archiving. As amazing as the Internet Archive is, I don’t think we should count on it to have a complete archive of the web. But this is a simple feature you can enable in your blog if it’s hosted on, and we can expand it based on feedback. (For example, maybe archiving pages you link to as well.)

Simon Woods

Simple yet effective. Brilliant!

Manton Reece

@simonwoods Thanks!

Ron Guest

In light of this, are you still planning to revive Github Pages? Or pursue the export/archive capability you previously proposed? I still feel it is necessary for portability.

Manton Reece

@ronguest Yes, I've been testing the new blog archive format this week and I'll enable it for everyone soon. I want to bring GitHub mirroring back too, likely with some changes.

Ron Guest


Dr. Adam Procter

wow yes!

Smokey Ardisson

You’ve got a bit of a backlog of new features to update on list of recently-finished things on What’s Next now 👍

Frank McPherson

Well, after I enabled the Internet Archive function I notice that blog posts are not getting published. One I posted on 2/28 sat there until I turned off the feature.

Manton Reece

@frankm Thanks. It schedules it for after the post is published so shouldn't interfere. I'm looking into it... If you want to try enabling it again later, let me know if it still causes any problems.

Manton Reece @manton
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