Connected quotes about Apple News

There’s no shortage of opinions about Apple’s services-related event this week! I’ve listened to a few podcast episodes, and of course I had my own thoughts on this week’s Core Intuition and a separate blog post about News+.

My favorite discussion about News+ so far has been the latest episode of Connected. They talk about the good things Apple brings to this, but also the downsides.


I was asked by someone on Twitter, do you plan on putting Club MacStories on Apple News+? The answer is a huge no.


Literally every single person who subscribes to Club MacStories would cancel because they’re all users of Apple products!


There’s always a cost to adopting a new platform. There’s a technological cost, and there’s an actual cost. And for me, it’s not worth it to rewrite my — what we do for Club MacStories for Apple News format — but it’s also not worth it to lose the money that I’m making from the service that I control.

Federico’s point here gets to the key issue with these aggregation platforms, whether it’s News+, Facebook, or the App Store. When you give up control over distribution, you also give up control over revenue. With publishing on the open web, there’s always an alternative: your own domain name and your own subscribers. (For the App Store, there’s no choice.)

Back to the episode…


I still don’t love how closed off News is. Like on the Mac, you just can’t get a URL to open it in a browser. You just can’t do it. You’ve got to send a text message to yourself or something. And on iOS, or really anywhere, sending content to things like Instapaper is very hit or miss. […] Apple News doesn’t play well with the web, and that’s very frustrating to me as a believer in the open web.


We’re all worried about Spotify walling off podcasts. Well, Apple’s trying to do that to news. […] It’s probably good for consumers, but is it good for the industry? We don’t know yet.

Great episode. You should listen to the whole thing, because as I said there are some points in favor of Apple News as well, and the other announcements. But the segment I’m quoting from above was particularly good.


potential for m.b push to Apple News API?

Manton Reece

@Burk It should be possible to create a template on a blog in Apple News Format. Apple News can also pull from an RSS feed, although they seem to be limiting approval of that.


I am trying the rss route right now. It’s approved, but seems to be only displaying content from 26+ weeks ago. Still trying to figure out the best way to handle the pushing of content over there.


scratch that, it’s up to date now. Of course haha. Definitely going to be looking into a better way to post there via API so it looks prettier. Kind of ugly when just pulling in from RSS feed.

💬 John Philpin

@Burk for my approved feed I used RSS ... and it looked so bad that I stopped - with 'New News' - decided to change it around a bit and interestingly it allowed me to modify the URL and name - without additional approval! The feed on this site is a lot more controlled - so won't overload and allow me to manage a little easier.

💬 John Philpin

@Burk hold up ... maybe not QUITE TRUE ... I can change the URL - but I don’t think that changes the actual RSS feed .... more work needed.

Stephen Hackett

those guys are smart

Manton Reece

@ismh 🙂

Manton Reece @manton
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