MacStories 10-year anniversary and pre-quadrant Twitter

Congrats to Federico Viticci and the MacStories team on 10 years of MacStories. To appreciate how long ago this was, I re-read Federico’s interview with me from 7 years ago. This was 3 years after his first post but the content feels like a lifetime ago.

I really like this interview because I think it captures that time on the App Store and as a Twitter developer. We talked about iOS 5 user interface design, my early indie apps before starting, but also a few things that are still relevant today, like using the iPad for real work and app pricing.

Most importantly, it was a few months before Twitter’s infamous 4-quadrant chart that would set in motion Twitter’s move away from third-party developers. My priorities changed significantly after that, eventually leading to

Manton Reece @manton
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