Sergio Pablos interview and Klaus

I’ve blogged about Klaus a couple times. It’s one of those films that I was a little nervous about because I wanted it to be great, and it is. There is some wonderful character animation in this.

Animation World has an interview with director Sergio Pablos about what a positive experience it was to work with Netflix, and on getting few chances in life to do something great, especially with animated features:

You hope you’ve made something good, but you’re so close to it that you’re kind of blind to it. We’ve been trying to make a film for 15 years in my company and we’ve failed in different ways. Right? Sometimes a film would end up going elsewhere, or it wouldn’t even get made. Meanwhile, we’re taking service work to try and support our effort. So, it’s been a long road. But I always dreamt the day would come where I’d have a project I could be proud of.

Congrats to the team for doing something that feels new with 2D animation. I may need to get the art book.

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