Personal libraries next steps

Yesterday’s IndieWeb session gave me a lot to think about, and a couple specific next things to work on:

  • should be able to easily publish your book lists in different public formats. It now can. When you set a bookshelf to a page on your blog, will also create JSON Feed and OPML files with it. For example, here’s my Want to read page as index.json and index.opml.
  • and Epilogue should move to using an API for managing books that could be supported in other platforms. I’ve now proposed a way to extend Micropub to cover this.

I’ve also submitted Epilogue 1.2 to Apple for review, with Micropub posting support and a few bug fixes. After it’s out, I’ll try to get a release for Android ready too.

Also posted to IndieNews.

Manton Reece @manton