Some folks have noticed that we’ve rolled out a totally new home page (if you’re not signed in already). Huge thanks to @vincent and @jean for making this happen. Just the start of how we want to better highlight’s capabilities this year.

One thing I feel is missing is how supports both short posts and long posts. From looking at the new home page, I get the impression that it is intended for short posts, more like a replacement for social media. Especially with the name "".
The long form posting is one of my favorite features.

@ericgregorich Thanks. We're planning a longer features page where that should be highlighted. The new home page does have the "Post short thoughts or long essays" line but more explanation would be good.

beautiful new home page. I notice that you have quotes from (what I take to be) 5 men under What People Are Saying. Please reflect more of the diversity of this community by adding testimonials from women users of M.b.

Looks great! Nice work!
Wondering if there should be an RSS icon somewhere on the Your Hub/Home on the web section. To really push, accentuate and promote the simple (silo free) awesomeness that is RSS!

Ooh, nice. Has a subtle 37signals vibe going, which is no bad thing. And hey, I’m quoted on it too ☺️

@futuregeek Good point, you're right! I want to update that... Not totally happy with it, and RSS should definitely be included.

@futuregeek That's a great idea. Also maybe a good place for a newsletter icon and mention of that feature, since email is similar to RSS re; anti-silo.