Started listening to River of Stars by Guy Gavriel Kay today while on the road. Love his writing. Also have the print version which I may switch to later. 📚

@manton Do you do what I do? I normally get both the Kindle and the audio book; I like listening to audio for instance, say, before bed or in the car, while sometimes I like to pull my phone, plug in my Braille display, and simply read in Braille. Depends on my mood.

Yes! GGK is an outstanding writer, one of the finest stylists working in the genre.

@darby3 Tigana is one of my all-time favorites. I’ve only read it once but it has stuck with me.

@cambridgeport90 I love having both the e-book (or print) and the audio version, to switch between. I don't always do that just because it's often an extra cost, but it's ideal.

@manton Ah okay. So I'm not the only one who does that. I was astonished by my year in review for '22, though; 340 days read and hours totaled 1,233.

I so love his writing. I really wish the ones who make book videos discovered him, because his writing is exquisit. Can also highly recommend Tigana. I so loved that book, it's so poetic and so slow.