Every time I set up something in S3 or Cloudfront, I have to re-learn how it works. Users, bucket policies, CORS… Doesn’t matter if it was only a few weeks ago that I last configured something, or that I’ve used AWS for years. The UI is optimized for flexibility, not convenience.

Egg Freckles

this never would have happened with iDisk.

Manton Reece

@eggfreckles Haha. I kind of miss iDisk. It was simple and based on standards... iCloud is so opaque. Unless that's just nostalgia talking.

Manton Reece

@Ddanielson Possibly, yes! There are some areas of Micro.blog that are very powerful but hard to get started with. Definitely want to improve that.

Rob Fahrni

@manton I just posted this to an internal Slack today. 🤣

Brandon Trebitowski

heads up, your job for fetching from non hosted sites seems to be a taking much longer than usual. My posts have been taking sometimes 20+ minutes to show up. I have been experiencing this for a few days now.


@brandontreb I had that in the past, and mine is self hosted too. I’m using the Micro.blog Ping url and POST to it, when I’ve posted on my site (the CMS will do it for me on save), with the feed url I want it to fetch. Works mostly instant:


And add your feed url at the end that you want MB to fetch.

Although suspect that it’s running a little slower than it should.

Brandon Trebitowski

@vincent ahh I didn’t know that existed. I’ll be sure to add that to my posting pipeline.

Thanks so much!


@brandontreb the docs for that are here.

Brandon Trebitowski

@vincent awesome. Thanks again.


@brandontreb pleasure is mine. Do you have a write up about your stack btw?

David H.

AWS is not meant to be used via the UI - the API is where it is at. That is why the UI is so bad.

Brandon Trebitowski

@vincent I don’t currently. I’ve actually spent the last couple months building an indie web focused blog engine in node/express/SQLite link

It’s not even close to ready to actually open source (no judging ;))

I’ve learned quite a few lessons in the process and will most likely pivot to more of a CMS on top of Hugo and keep the indie web features (auth,webmentions,etc…).

I’ll probably do a retro post when I finally do pivot.

Nick Kaczmarek

I wonder if terraform would help you. I guess you might just switch to having to relearn that though.

Joakim Kemeny

@manton you’ve probably already checked out CloudFormation but if not, that’s the way to go. I just copy my setup, change a few parameters and 5 minutes later I have a website with certificates and everything working. It’s glorious!

Brandon Trebitowski

@vincent just did a test of the m.b. Ping service. I got a 200 back, but still no updates to my status. I tried both POST and GET with url=https://brandontreb.com/feed.json also tried url in the body.

Maybe I’m doing something wrong?

Manton Reece

@brandontreb @vincent For the ping, the RSS URL has to match exactly, and it looks like your account's feed is "http" not "https". Should work if you change the url param to non-HTTPS. (I'll look into making this less strict.)

Brandon Trebitowski

ahhh that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying. ill give it a try.

Manton Reece @manton
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