Got some good replies that maybe I’m wrong about UFOs. But assuming we’re mostly alone, I still don’t know whether to be sad or inspired by it. No neighbors means it’s all on us to explore and eventually move to other planets. 👽 Preferably not with balloon power. 🎈

Paolo Amoroso

@manton Balloons are actually great for exploring planets with atmospheres, for example Venus:

Rene van Belzen

Carl might disagree with you on not exploring with balloon power.

Carl in his balloon house

Manton Reece

@amoroso That's really cool. Don't think I knew about that part of those missions.

Paolo Amoroso

@manton These days Mars helicopters are all the rage.

Simon Woods

The problem is Dune is my favourite movie from the past few years and some of those ships were using balloon-like technology... wait, that was mostly the horrific villains 😬

Manton Reece @manton
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