Finished reading: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. So much fun. Still going to skip the movie, doesn’t seem possible to adapt without losing too much. 📚

@manton I loved the book! The movie was enjoyable, but veered far off the book. Probably for the best.

@manton The movie is still pretty good if you don’t go into it expecting a 1:1 adaptation. Some concessions really needed to be made for it to work. I like the idea that the movie is simply one version of the story, as Wade himself states in the prologue of the book:
“Dozens of books, cartoons, movies, and miniseries have attempted to tell the story of everything that happened next, but every single one of them got it wrong. So I want to set the record straight, once and for all.”

@manton I liked the book too. But I will say, Spielberg did a great job.

@manton I liked the book too. But I will say, Spielberg did a great job.

@manton yeah, the movie was disappointing. They definitely couldn’t get rights for all the licensed content and it definitely fell way short.

@manton I recommend Armada as well (if you haven’t read it yet). Very very similar feel.

yeah…skipping the movie is a good choice. I wish I had had your foresight.

@manton Exactly my take.
Was talked into watching The Martian, and while a good movie, it left out *so much* compared to the book that it was painful.
Not making that mistake again.

this is one of those rare instances where I’m going to say the movie is better than the book.

one of my favorite books of all time! The movie was fine if you don’t expect it to be anything like the book. I hated it on first watch and allowed myself to enjoy it as something different years later.

@manton you are correct sir, the movie is not as good as the book. That said, I still enjoyed it and it didn’t reduce my enjoyment of the book.
Really like all of Clines books - I wonder if he has something new coming soon!