Adding per-post cross-posting to

Today we updated the web version of (and the Mac app) to provide better control over how new posts are routed to external services like Twitter, Mastodon, LinkedIn, etc. Just like showing blog categories, you can show checkboxes and uncheck which services you don’t want to cross-post to. This setting is remembered only for the current post and by default posts go out everywhere.

Screenshot of new checkboxes for cross-posting on macOS.

This is a fairly big change. I expect we’ll learn more as people actually use it. I wanted to get it out for the web and Mac first because we can ship those without waiting for approval from Apple and Google. Mobile versions will follow.

Some of the gotchas you might run across:

  • This is designed for setting on new posts. There’s no interface for changing it when editing a draft post yet.
  • will only show the cross-post services you have enabled in Account → Edit Feeds. If you have multiple feeds, things might be a little weird if there’s no obvious mapping between feeds and your blog.
  • This is for blogs hosted on If you are posting to an external blog like WordPress, there’s no mechanism to customize cross-posting other than the existing global options.

We’ve also expanded our support for the Micropub API to include syndicate-to fields. This is well-covered in the spec. The Mac app is open source and uses the same public API.

Manton Reece @manton