Did not finish: Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft. Just couldn’t get into it. Might try to pick it up again some other time in print instead of audiobook. 📚

@manton I did finish it eventually, but it didn’t really have a pulse. Still lots of people love it.

@kq That happens to me too. I find it hard to focus on audiobooks sometimes until I’m a little ways into it. Also works well for me to start as e-book and then switch to audio to finish it.

@pimoore @kq I like audiobooks when I’m doing work with may hands that takes minimal but steady focus. The part of my mind that would wander is already occupied, maybe. But I can’t listen to them just hanging around the house.

@kq @dwalbert I’m listening to Joe Abercrombie’s The Blade Itself. Excellent book, excellent narrator. Even so, I find myself losing the thread or snoozing. I often have to replay a chapter.

@manton the world building is good, but I also couldn’t force myself to get interested in the action

@kq The sync works well. The only downside is it only works with Audible. I often get audiobooks from the library via Libby, so those can’t sync, but library e-books will sync with Audible.