Micro.blog was acting a little sluggish so I looked at the logs and of course the servers are being hammered again by “hackers” attempting to exploit security holes that don’t exist. Blocked a bunch of stuff and should be better now.

thanks for sharing. Was just about to ask if something was up. My draft actions were misbehaving for a few minutes. But all is working now. 🙂

thank you for the update! Is that why blogs are loading as Rate Limit Exceeded
? I can see that now when I load my blog.

@jsanchez Are you still seeing that error? I'm not seeing it... But yes, it's possible that could've happened because of this. Will investigate a little more.

@manton that feeling you get when you open the log stream and it is updating hundreds of times per second; going one by one through every URL on the site.

@stephencollins Exactly. Starting to get good at skimming through logs to notice suspicious URLs.

You might consider a "canary" approach. User-agents who hit fictional resources (that a normal user never would in standard use of micro.blog, e.g. wordpress URLs) automatically go to jail for X amount of time. Happy to discuss if you want.

@toddgrotenhuis Thanks for the suggestion. I think it's under control now, but it is super annoying. I have a disallow list of about 200 paths that I immediately return 404 for.