Just pushed out another TestFlight beta of Micro.blog 3.0. This has some really nice new stuff for managing uploads. Also the return of basic photo filters! Getting closer. Still missing: share sheet.

Are you thinking per-post crossposting might make it into 3.0 or will that be later?
(sorry if you’ve already covered and I missed it)

@len Don't think I had mentioned it yet, but pretty sure that is going to wait until 3.1. I'm anxious to get the app out there.

@gr36 known issue yeah. I added some check if the app has been in the background for 2 hours and then try and reload the web views… but still no luck.

@kimonostereo making a start on the share sheet this week, once that’s done I am moving onto external blogs (Wordpress, and IndieAuth based blogs).

@vincent you rock! Looking forward to moving to the beta with all the cool stuff… soon! 🤣

I hopped on the beta as soon as I saw this post. It looks nice! What language/frameworks are you writing the new app in?

@jmanes Thanks! It’s written with JavaScript and React Native. (There will probably be some Objective-C bits moved over too.)

Gotcha, thanks for the response. Per-post syndication will be an absolutely game changer for me. Thanks for all your hard work on m.b!