The new Twitter API tiers are about what was expected. Disappointing. For, we plan to support cross-posting for a limited number of months, to let folks wind down their use of Twitter. There’s no future on Twitter so all we can do is smooth over the shutdown for customers.

Josh Withers

just a question, not a request, but what if users applied for their own API key? Or is that more of a Zapier/Make/IFTTT thing?

Manton Reece

@joshua We can consider that. I think managing your own API keys is complicated enough that it will be beyond what most people want to deal with.

Brandon Trebitowski

this line is absolutely insane!

For hobbyists or students learning code

What “student” or “hobbiest” would pay $100/month to tinker with the Twitter API?

Rene van Belzen

So this is how we are to remember Twitter, a money grab in a year when advertising money is tight and users' budgets even tighter? Talk about not reading the room!

Manton Reece

@brandontreb Yeah, it’s really out of touch.


How much does it cost you now and how much more will it cost you with this change?

Manton Reece

@pratik It costs me $0 now and will cost $100/month with the change. I’m not happy about it but I think it’s an okay compromise to wind things down gracefully. This will be for a limited time.


Fair to give people a few months to wean off their Twitter habit. After that they can make a choice where they want to be. It costs $8 per month to be on Twitter now. It’s $5 for

Halsted M. Bernard

Thank you for making it a smooth transition for us. I've made up my mind: After the photoblogging challenge is over, I will shut off cross-posting to Twitter and be done with it after 17 years. What a ride!

Simon Woods

@pratik A greater expense with a fraction of the utility and none of the longevity.

Numeric Citizen

good thing that I’m out of this place.

Numeric Citizen

@cygnoir you are a Qwitter just like me!

Halsted M. Bernard

@numericcitizen Seems that way. I was sad about it for a few minutes, but it hasn't been a healthy place for me for a long time now.

BK Ryer

I think a motivation for me (context: using twitter) was the possibility of serendipitous discovery, not the people at the node themselves being the trophies, but the ideas they discussed, the art they shared, the personal and pedestrian expressions in quips and images and so on; taking part in that is good clean fun.

It is quite clear to me now, however, that a sample set that large is not needed—in fact it works agains the sorts of experiences I went there looking for in the first place.

Obviously I am saying that the dynamics here seem far superior to what else is on offer at that scale. Is there a magic number, an optimal range for community? Probably not, more a frequency thing, I think.

Anyway, thanks to you and team for making this place/ software-situation/ service/ community/ well worth it on many levels. ❤︎ ⚧ ꩜ ᰾ 𐩕

Manton Reece

@bkryer Thank you!

Manton Reece @manton
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