If you use Drafts, check out this new action for Micro.blog. Post drafts, publish, choose your blog, cross-posting, and more options. Thanks @donnydavis!


@donnydavis This is awesome 👏🏽 Is it possible to schedule posts via Drafts action or does Micro.blog have to flip a switch?

Donny Davis

@pratik scheduling posts is something that I definitely want to add. I need to read up on the micro pub spec a bit more for handling those requests. Also on how to reflect that in Drafts so that it will be consistent with what is posted. 🙂


@donnydavis it would be fine to ask for a date/time in a prompt box before sending to Micro.blog, right?

Manton Reece

@donnydavis Let me know if you have any questions about scheduling. Should just need to set the date with a published parameter.

Donny Davis

awesome. That sounds easy enough. Famous last words. 😂

This has been my first experience working with the micropub api and I have to say that it has been a pleasant experience.

Donny Davis

@pratik yeah. Trying to decide if I want to keep it on the posting options dialog or include another dialog for that. Didn’t want to make the posting options dialog too busy, in case someone had a lot of categories to scroll through.

Manton Reece

@otaviocc @donnydavis That date format will work. It accepts pretty much any format. If there's no time zone offset, it assumes GMT.


@donnydavis Trying out the action and I know it should ask for the app token to set it up but it doesn't and gives this error message - Script Error: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'response.responseData.destination.map') Line number: 63, Column 55

Donny Davis

@pratik oh no. I’ve been playing around with this for so long now I didn’t think to clear my token and try it as a new install. 🤦🏼‍♂️ I’ll take a look and see what may be going on. Thanks for reporting.


@donnydavis I made Drafts forget the Mb credentials in the Settings and then tried it. It worked. BTW what's the difference between Micro.blog Token and an app token? I entered only the app token and it worked just fine. It did break the previous Post to Mb actions I had so not sure how to have multiple ones work.

Donny Davis

@pratik that is good to hear. I was trying a few things, but hadn’t been able to reproduce it myself yet. I don’t have any other M.b actions installed though. That is probably the issue. I skimmed through the other actions to see how to get started with the scripts and was using the same credentials name. I should have thought to change that to avoid conflicts, before releasing. 🤦🏼‍♂️ I would have expected the token to still work, since it’s still for micro.blog, so not sure what I did wrong there. 🤔

Donny Davis

@RianVDM most welcome. Thank you for giving it a try. 🙂


@donnydavis No worries. Your action combined a couple of actions, so it made them redundant 🙌🏽

About the token, I mean, there are two fields for the token - one for Micro.blog and one for app token. I have heard of only an app token and not one for overall MB.

Donny Davis

@pratik your are right, there is not an overall token for MB, just the app token that you generate for your account. The credentials should only ask for one token. Will see if I can figure out what happen there to ask for two. After looking at the prompt again, that wording isn’t the best either. I’ll see about updating that as well.


@donnydavis Cool. Thanks again for your excellent work in creating this Action. We hope to see a scheduling option in the future.

Mitch Wagner

It's a very nice action. Thank you for creating and sharing it, @donnydavis . It's a good complement to the "Post to Micro.blog (with title)" extension. I now use both, when appropriate.

Manton Reece @manton
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