Interesting to compare the main headlines from feed reader home pages:

Feedbin: “A nice place to read on the web” (Love it!)
Inoreader: “Take back control of your news feed” (Also good!)
Feedly: “Track insights across the web without having to read everything” (Enterprise-y!)

Mitch Wagner

I use RSS mostly for business and yet Feedly has always been off-putting to me. I use Inoreader. If I didn't need to follow news for work, I expect I'd use something simple like Feedbin, NetNewsWire, or Reeder.

@manton That tagline makes me feel like Feedly is run by ex-LinkedIn folk. Hopefully just the marketing folks, not the technical folks. (LI's mobile apps in particularly have been exceedingly not-great, in my experience.)

Manton Reece @manton
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