Blast from the past: video of my old iOS app Tweet Library. I forgot how much I loved this app. 📦

Jim Parsons



Numeric Citizen

I remember (used this app too). Now Twitter is gone ,as well as, lick-able UI design. Good for the former, bad for the latter.


@manton Loved this app!


really love the UI!


How hadn't I heard of this app before? It would have been perfect for archiving and owning my tweets.

John Chandler

that’s fun… I remember mostly using it on my iPad. Thought it was even better on that screen.

Manton Reece

@johnchandler Oh yeah, the very first version was iPad-only, in fact!

Brandon Trebitowski

way ahead of it’s time.

Manton Reece

@melkat Thanks!

💬 John Philpin

like @pratik .. never heard of the app until now … I like collections .. any chance that functionality might arrive in MicroBlog?

Manton Reece

@JohnPhilpin @pratik Yes. I think we'll have categories for bookmarks at some point, similar to the existing categories for your own blog posts.

💬 John Philpin

That sounds good - but not sure that is what I want. Who knows about others?

For me - I am never going to be using Bookmarks for long term archive. I do use them - but they are to hold my place for something I want to go back to at some point in the future ... save me having to find posts and replies in the timeline through search which is far from reliable. So, my main/(only?) use is to bookmark posts and replies that I want to reply to OR append one of my own posts etc etc ... when done - it is unbookmarked.

What caught my eye about collections is that I can group any and all replies and posts in the stream into a single place.

Use Case Example ... I might be interested in music recommendations that constantly appear in the stream - i don’t always react - but on seeing a post or reply I could add to my collection 'music recommendations' ... i do not want to fill up my bookmarks with collections.

If that doesn’t make sense - happy to describe further.

// @pratik

Manton Reece @manton
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