I recorded a video on YouTube showing how Micro.blog’s new tweets archive import feature works. It’s 6 minutes long and I explain more about how the different parts fit together.

It isn't clear on what happens with Twitter shortened links, i.e. t.co/…
. Do the original URLs get used?

I still find it awesome that you made this and it works great. I imported another account and everything worked. However, I’m not seeing the Tweets page populate on my blog. I see them on its individual blog but not via the page created by the plugin on the main blog.

@pratik Thanks! I see it got confused because of the first import that didn't stick. You can fix it by going into Pages on your blog and editing the Tweets page to use this ID: 106235

@manton Thank you so much for this, Manton. This is EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for. I took my Twitter archive a couple of months ago knowing I wouldn’t be going back, and have been looking how to get them into a situation just like this.
Once again, micro.blog living up to its creed!
Thanks again!

I probably missed where you said this was going to happen but glad I caught the video. Thanks for creating this as I downloaded my archive late last year but wasn't ever sure what to do with it and now I have a place to store it.