For folks trying’s Twitter import, note that the tweets page is just a web page, so you can add intro text or other formatting if you want to. I added a little intro to mine here to give some context.

💬 John Philpin

only by reading the @danielpunkass post re the Twitter archive did I learn that the tweets don’t appear in your time line ( my bad ) .. so time to take a closer look … quick related question … if you have 2 or 3 archives do they merge or are they kept seperate?

// @help @til


@JohnPhilpin I asked this Q. To merge them into one, basically, import each Twitter account as a separate import, mentally mark one as the main one, export the others as a .bar file, and then re-import the .bar file to the main one. Alternatively, you could also import all your tweets to the main blog.

💬 John Philpin

@pratik I actually want them to stay seperate - I think - thankyou

Manton Reece @manton
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