I know I’ve written about this before, but it’s worth repeating: Micro.blog is constantly shifting priorities based on what people are talking about. If we only hear a feature request every few months instead of every week, it is probably going to drop off our radar, even if we want to do it.

Dr. Adam Procter

agile excellence I would call this. But if I can have the option to turn on an alt text prompt for sunlit I would appreciate that 🤣 I know you discussed a little in core int 😉

Manton Reece

@adamprocter Keep asking. 😉 Like I said on the show, still kind of conflicted about this, but in an app like Sunlit which is all photos I could see it.

Dr. Adam Procter

an setting you can toggle can be off be default but for me it would be a prompt I want so I would turn it on 😊 as my brain is stupid a lot of the time 👍

Miraz Jordan

This approach troubles me. I don't like to nag — reiterating requests that seem to be falling on deaf ears. I realised several years ago now that Timeline synching was clearly never going to happen and so developed workarounds, such as using RSS. I asked for synching a few times, as did others, then watched as a dozen other things that to me seemed less important were implemented. Your platform, your choice of how to develop it. However for me lack of Timeline synch is one of the biggest failings / annoyances there is in Micro.Blog. Does this approach of going where the wind takes you mean that I need to mention Timeline synch frequently, so then others can join in until finally it's the topic-of-the-moment?

Angelo Stavrow

@Miraz is this where we ask about timeline sync?

Odd-Egil “Oddzthrash” Auran

@adamprocter I’m very pro alt text, but I find the solution today sufficiently simple, and I feel that alt text information may be done in a gentle way - in a discussion.

By the way, I noticed today, while sharing a photo from Photos via the Share Sheet, I couldn’t get to the alt text input when tapping the photo. (In the 3.0 beta), so I just added the alt text to the post text for now.

Mitch Wagner

Good to know. Like @miraz, I don't like to be seen as a nag. I've requested a couple of features two or three times, and at that point I just decided to take lack of answer as a no, and move on.

Dr. Adam Procter

@odd I’m so go go go at the moment that any extra prompts that help me be better are good 🤣

Manton Reece

@Miraz Thanks, that's good feedback to hear. It's totally fine to repeat requests even if it feels like nagging. That's partly why I just posted this. Everyone has different priorities and some people may not care about timeline sync. Hearing from people is how I know. We have such limited time, it's gotta be something that will be used.


@odd adding alt text to the photo from the share sheet isn’t supported… yet 😋

Manton Reece

@AngeloStavrow @Miraz @maique The system is working! 🙂

Jan Erik Moström

@Miraz I have a similar opinion as @miraz. To me timeline sync have been something that I really wanted to see, but my understanding after a year or two was that it was never going to happen so I shut up.

When good mastodon clients showed up, I realized how much I missed timeline sync. And I found it much easier to read the timeline when I didn't had to scroll "backwards" trying to find a post that I had read and then go forwards. This difference between Mastodon and Micro.blog has made me reading the mastodon timeline much more often than micro.blog.

And like @miraz I've tried to solve the problem using the RSS feed but then it gets really cumbersome if I want to answer a post ... so I usually just skip answering.

Manton Reece

@MitchW @Miraz Honestly nagging is fine (within reason). Even "no" isn't permanent... There have been a lot of good ideas that have taken a long time to get to.

Odd-Egil “Oddzthrash” Auran

@vincent Gotcha! 😃👍

Eli Mellen

semantic HTML, like using a real <textarea> or <input> element instead fo a magical <div> -- it breaks accessibility, and make posting/reading the timeline on web a nightmare for folks using non-normative web browsing setups.

Mitch Wagner

Not a feature request per se: For me, one of the primary values of micro.blog is combining a simple blogging platform with a syndication/cross-posting engine. I haven't found anything that can do what micro.blog does in that regard. MB simply has no competition for blogging with cross-posting/syndication.

I loved when you added the ability to custom-select which networks to post to for each micro.blog post.

Jason Becker

this is the way.

Matt Huyck

@maique Chiming in on the timeline sync request. The app feels incomplete to me without it!

Paweł Orzech

@fgtech +1 to timeline sync!

Tom Selmes

Personally I’d appreciate having some sort of basic public roadmap. The Obsidian app does this well: trello.com/b/Psqfqp7... That and timeline sync obviously!

Manton Reece

@tomselmes Roadmaps and feature lists have never quite worked for us. They get either bloated with things that won't happen or out of sync with what's important now. But maybe when the team is a little bigger it will be a better fit.

S Koren

Weird question: what is the point of “Following x users you aren’t following.” That’s like saying, “You aren’t eating/buying/sleeping with x people who are.” ;)


Like @Miraz, I’m very unlikely to ask for something more than once. Maybe regular polls to get an idea of what the community wants next would be better?

Manton Reece

@Archimage The goal was to make it easier to find new people to follow, so you don't have to sift through people you already follow. Interesting interpretation, though!

S Koren

You need the Amazon algorithm: “The people you follow, also follow these. Would you like to buy a follow?”, then. ;) Sorry. I’m in a snarky mood.

Manton Reece

@jabel @Miraz We probably should do polls every once in a while. Also, to clarify, I don't expect everyone to request the same thing over and over. It's more the cumulative requests from lots of people.

S Koren

Seriously, though. The assumption that someone you follow follows the same things/people you like is questionable. Categories and being able to search people by their categories would be more useful, at least for me.

Greg Moore

+1 for timeline sync.
I would also reiterate my past request to make long blog posts with images first-class citizens with micro posts in the timeline.

Clifford Beshers

@gregmoore I can't find a definition of timeline sync, but the bit about long posts with images being first class would be great.

Adrian Schönig :kangaroo:

@manton I generally agree with this, though there's the danger of missing out on big changes that would attract new types of users. Those users won't stick around the complain, so it might not appear as a strong signal on the radar. Food for thought 🙂


@manton “If you want something, you need to annoy us a lot.”

Doug Jones

+1 for timeline sync

And +1 to @gregmoore’s idea long posts with images as first class timeline posts!

BK Ryer

@MitchW here here!


@manton +1 for timeline syncing.

Jeremy Cherfas

I didn’t know timeline sync was even a possibility here. If it is, +1 for that.

Arnold Hoogerwerf

Slightly off-topic, but shouldn't the support forums be the preferred place for feature request and technical discussions about the platform? I personally wonder if 'just blogging about it' is beneficial for the overall quality of everyone's timeline, and its appeal to the general audience. (Also +1 for timeline sync 😬)

David Hall

@ArnoldHoogerwerf +another for timeline sync and position bookmark.

Manton Reece

@ArnoldHoogerwerf It's a good question. I've taken the approach of "just post feedback wherever you want" because even if there is a guideline for where to post, not everyone will know about it. The timeline isn't good for long technical discussions, for sure.

David Sinclair

+1 for timeline sync. I don't care about sync between devices (though that should be available), but more state restoration: if I come back to a client app hours later, I want it to be at the same point in the timeline, even if there are hundreds of newer posts, so I can continue from where I left off.

Dr. Nolen Scaife

I’m still having two UI issues on the latest. 1. The news feed scrolls from left to right if I’m scrolling at an angle. 2. If I accidentally double tap on the text of a post, it zooms into the text.

Manton Reece

@drno Zoom is fixed in the next beta. Left/right scrolling should be fixed soon too. Thanks!

Brandon Bohling

+1 timeline sync

Dr. Nolen Scaife

Thank you!


Timeline Sync! Timeline Sync! Timeline Sync! 😃

Joshua P. Steele

"What do we want?" "Timeline Sync!" "When do we want it?" "As soon as Manton can get to it!" :)

Manton Reece

@joshuapsteele @Burk I hear you. 🙂

Manton Reece @manton
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