People are often confused about what exactly is. Is it a Twitter clone? Is it a WordPress clone? Is it a Buffer clone? I like to think of it as a mashup of several things. This post from Alan Jacobs is another great perspective: the three paths of

Simon Woods

Another great post. That's one of my favourite things about; there are a number of ways people explain it and they're all good.

Patrick Rhone

@SimonWoods One I've used is, "A blogging platform with social media commenting/discussion"

💬 John Philpin

Nicely done @ajay

… community, blog, journal .. all three for me … I even call my blog ‘A Public Journal’ … adding one more … hub … still not quite there for myself … but my aim is that everything out there I do … finds it’s way to my stream … and all the stream is syndicated to places out there.

// @simonwoods

Aaron Williams

@SimonWoods @patrickrhone great take on I was attracted to this community for its ease of use, welcoming people, and the willingness to engage rather than just yell their point out.

Jason Becker

@patrickrhone that's roughly how I think about it.

Numeric Citizen

interesting indeed. I’m really into the three paths!

Manton Reece @manton
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